The Malecon 2000 is an amazing sight. A completely redesigned, vibrant place to which travellers from the world over come to walk, shop, mingle and be seen. Located in Guayaquil Ecuador this riverside boardwalk has become the country’s safest, most frequented site for both tourists and locals. However, this was not always the case. Like so many Urban Renewal Projects, the riverfront was transformed because someone had a vision of what it could be. For years, the crime rose, the building became dilapidated, and finally someone said “Enough!” Because someone had vision, people were mobilized and monies generated.
As a leader, when was the last time you looked at your organization with eyes from the outside.
When was the last time you asked yourself:
• How does my organization look to the outsider?
• What do others see that I do not see?
• When will I finally say “Enough!?”
First impressions rule the day and the sad truth is that many of us have lost individuals because of that first impression. Whether it be something as small as a product or as large as an organization, you have a very small window of time to leave your mark.
It has been said that any prospect makes their decision in the first minute of the encounter and the remainder of that precious time justifying why, or why not, your product or service is for them.
If necessary, bring an outsider in, to speak frankly to your deficiencies. Eyes from the outside can see things that you never will. They can tell you what you don’t know.
If your organization is to be all that it can be, always remember to “Refresh and Renew.”
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